Welcome to Poorly Drawn Sines.

I am soon to be a PhD student of mathematics at the University of California Riverside. I don’t quite know how things will go (we’re currently in a global pandemic), and there are many things I’m unsure about such as what I want to study and where I want my career to go, but hopefully, we’ll see where it all ends up.

This small site will be a place where you can possibly find a general cataloging of how things are going for me, works that I’ve written in $\rm\LaTeX$, thoughts on learning mathematics, and awful writing. I’ve never successfully done something like this before so please bear with me.

If you have comments, questions, or would like to offer some advice to me (on math, code, life, or on running this blog), feel free to contact me through my email below. I’ll be greatly appreciative.

Thank you for being here.

Contact: elin070@ucr.edu
